Mapping of the Quebec Quantum Ecosystem

Industry players are working together to develop the quantum ecosystem.

Quebec has all the right ingredients to launch and grow a quantum technology company:
  • World-class researchers and research centers covering the various sub-sectors of quantum technologies;
  • Infrastructures covering the entire value chain and allowing the complete development of quantum technology innovations, from design to industrial deployment;
  • Access to funding and several support organizations to create synergies and leverage for companies in the sector;
  • Undeniable expertise in interdisciplinary research on quantum technologies, advanced materials, photonics and artificial intelligence;
  • An exceptional talent pool.
How to navigate through the dynamic mapping of the ecosystem:
To obtain more details on the various players in the Quebec quantum ecosystem, simply click on the icon of the section of interest and you will be redirected to the registry of organisations or companies in the selected section. To return to the main map from any section, click on the mapping icon in the right corner of each banner. By clicking on a logo, you will be automatically redirected to the website of the organisation or company selected.


(514) 396-8800, poste 7529
1 (819) 821-8000, 65991
(418) 656-2131, 405986
(819) 821-8000, 65140
(514) 343-6111, 5502
(819) 821-8000, 63405
(418) 656-2131, 412347
(514) 518-4480


(514) 581-5207
(819) 640-5952
(514) 875-0032, 14
1 (438) 340-6600

Support Organisations

(514) 581-5207
(450) 534-8000, 1014
(418) 928-8116
(514) 298-1228
(581) 983-9160
(819) 571-4386
(514) 271-0369



Sensing and Imaging

Enabling technologies

The dynamic mapping of the actors in the ecosystem was initially created from the work carried out by Numana in the fall of 2020 to create a mapping of the actors working in quantum technologies in Quebec.